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miniBB version 2.0.2 has been released

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 31 Aug 2006 11:54
End of summer - and start of new season! Mostly small updates and fixes come in this release, but there is a big number of files to update.

Most important fixes include:

- implemented a tricky JS code, which allows to submit message forms, pressing "Enter" button, despite message/login form still handles through JavaScript

- avoiding mySQL/PHP assynchronization of time; now even if your database and scripts are placed on different server, miniBB will use only PHP time for date/time procedures (no more NOW() function)

- Location redirect function changed to "Refresh: 0; url=" in a time of posting message/topic. This should fix redirection in IE for multipart forms, and also redirection in Opera.

- bb_codes.php inclusion is now moved from index.php to other files, and included only when it's necessary.

- Each message in the thread will contain Reply link, which points straight to the Reply form

- bb_default_style.css - caption6 class REMOVED and not used anymore; also it's removed from a couple of templates.

- Copyright notice changes: avoiding ranging links to, link text now will be randomly rotated. This update is requested from ALL users, who are using free version of miniBB under GPL license.

This (and following) release also contains PHP/Zend vulnerability bug's fix, which has been quickly included in 2.0.1.

Please, know out, which files to update, from Updates history (read below the file), and get newest miniBB release, as usual, from Download section.

With this release, we're also closing support of Flood Filter addon. Support miniBB, purchasing Captcha plugin for a couple of beers fee.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 1 Sep 2006 00:15
Thanks for the latest release, Paul. Should the version variable in bb_functions.php still be showing 2.0.1?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 1 Sep 2006 07:35
Oops, updated now :-) Thanks.

Author Karel II
#4 · Posted: 3 Sep 2006 08:00
Thanks for the new version.

After the upgrade however I realized that I cannot submit/edit topics/posts in Opera (9.01) anymore - when I click on "Post message" or "Edit" etc., nothing happens - there is some problem with Opera's JS implementation or what. With Internet Explorer it works OK.

Author Karel II
#5 · Posted: 3 Sep 2006 08:03
Wow, now I realized that I posted the previous message and I am in Opera :) - maybe there is something wrong on my side - if your forum is 2.0.2 too, I should check my installation first.


Edit: It was my fault, I forgot that I had my bb_admin.php renamed. Everything is OK now.

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 miniBB version 2.0.2 has been released
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