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miniBB version 2.0 FINAL is out!

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Author Pascal
#46 | Posted: 16 Jul 2006 18:56
) It's not an issue. The option for the timestamp and the time difference is in setup_options.php. Set it up there.

It's not a solution, because the $timeDiff variable affects old and new messages. When I set $timeDiff at 32400 (9 hours), the time stamps from all the old messages (more than 36000 messages!) will change, and of course, that's not what I want.

So anyone who can make some code that can be added to the script?


Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#47 | Posted: 16 Jul 2006 21:16
Paul might suggest something.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#48 | Posted: 17 Jul 2006 07:22
PHP solution for such kind of task would be difficult. You need to fix dates in your old mySQL dump first. For example, notice largest topic ID, from what you want to update, and largest post ID. Then execute some kind of the following SQL:

update minibbtable_posts set post_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp(post_time)+10800) where post_id<='max_post_id';

Substitute minibbtable_posts with your posts table name, +10800 with time difference to set in seconds (in this example, + 3 hours; 10800 seconds = 60 sec. * 60 min * 3 hours); max_post_id is your maximum post ID to count from.

The same type SQL must be executed also for topics table:

update minibbtable_topics set topic_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp(topic_time)+10800), topic_last_post_time=FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_timestamp(topic_last_post_time)+10800) where topic_id<='max_topic_id';

I haven't tested this all out, but should work...

Author Pascal
#49 | Posted: 17 Jul 2006 12:59
Hello Paul,

That's a fantastic (and easy) solution! It works very well.


Author Pascal
#50 | Posted: 17 Jul 2006 16:03
For converting old tags to new, look up for "Changes comparision: 2.0 RC5a - 2.0 RC6" in update history file, and in 4th point, there are some SQL commands to execute.

Thanx. I see there are no sql commands listed for the old <b>, </b>, <i>, </i> html tags though. Can I execute the following commands to upgrade them?

update minibbtable_posts set post_text=REPLACE(post_text,'<b>','<strong>') where POSITION('<b>' IN post_text)>0;

update minibbtable_posts set post_text=REPLACE(post_text,'</b>','</strong>') where POSITION('</b>' IN post_text)>0;

update minibbtable_posts set post_text=REPLACE(post_text,'<i>','<em>') where POSITION('<i>' IN post_text)>0;

update minibbtable_posts set post_text=REPLACE(post_text,'</i>','</em>') where POSITION('</i>' IN post_text)>0;


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#51 | Posted: 18 Jul 2006 07:25
Why to ask? Try and you'll see :-) Yes, it seems all commands are ok...

Author Pascal
#52 | Posted: 18 Jul 2006 09:20
I'm not a sql wizard. That's why I want to hear the experts first :-)
The commands worked.

Author Pascal
#53 | Posted: 19 Jul 2006 12:13
I discovered 2 things:

1) the {$loginName} tags in the Dutch e-mail templates do not work. The username is not shown in the e-mails. Didn't check the English ones, but I assume they have this problem too.

2) the $l_search[11]='Match whole words'; line in the language files is not necessary as it is not used anymore.


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#54 | Posted: 19 Jul 2006 13:32
So, you can fix the pack and send it back to us (ghappa [AT] We are not responsible for 3rd party packs.

Author Pascal
#55 | Posted: 19 Jul 2006 19:04
I'll send it to you.

I've got 2 additional questions:

1) How to center the forum ?

2) The button in the 'new post' and 'new topic' forms doesn't light up when you click in one of the fields. How to solve this?


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#56 | Posted: 20 Jul 2006 07:02
1) This is done in CSS, classes table.forums, table.forumsmb, .tbTransparent, .tbTransparentmb etc. Compare old CSS to the new one, and you'll find the differences, which are responsible for align.

2) Sorry, I didn't get this one.

Author Pascal
#57 | Posted: 20 Jul 2006 09:03
2) Sorry, I didn't get this one.

When you take for instance the login form on the homepage, or the search form, or the preferences form, and you click with your mouse in one of the fields of the form, the white button ("Go!", "Edit preferences",...) will get a dark border, so it becomes more visible. But apparently it's not the case with the "Post message" and "Edit" buttons.


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#58 | Posted: 20 Jul 2006 09:47
Yes, it probably means browser handles it, and you can click "Enter" to submit it; in newest miniBB versions, we are handling reply forms via JavaScript, so it will not be handled this way. Nothing to fix there.

Author Pascal
#59 | Posted: 20 Jul 2006 10:04
1) This is done in CSS, classes table.forums, table.forumsmb, .tbTransparent, .tbTransparentmb etc. Compare old CSS to the new one, and you'll find the differences, which are responsible for align.

Doesn't work. For instance: in the table.forums part in the .css file, the following 2 lines are new, in comparison with the old css: margin-left: auto; and margin-right: auto;

When I remove them and upload the file, nothing changes, except the login info on the homepage that looks bigger.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#60 | Posted: 20 Jul 2006 10:07
Pay attention to text-align. It's also new.

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 miniBB version 2.0 FINAL is out!
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