Happy Easter and Happy Hanuka to everyone celebrating it this year together!
This world definitely needs more common vectors of moving, which specify the only healthy methods of blood transfusion.
Wish you all the good mood and weather, and the life full of positive events.
Let the RED become the color of happiness, not the violence!

Just for a brief information: shortly after holidays, or, the latest, next month (May 2017), I have plans to release the new version of miniBB 3.3, not just the software, but also the new look of the website. This version will be mostly related to the re-design of CSS layout making it simpler and mobile-friendly layout ready as it's interpreted by Google; but not just than this - the truly mobile template oriented to the
real mobile devices, will come with the new adjustments. The generic CSS will be more simpler in adjustments and will use just one common font (possible being related to the one from the
Google fonts library) and the set of
just 5 basic colors, which should make it quick to adjust to
any common layout.
More news to come soon...
Right now, you already could test and review the new version of minibb.com.
Feel free to post your comments, bug reports and suggestions!