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«Bad-words» filter updated (completely rewritten)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 14 Feb 2022 20:06
The new release of the «Badwords» add-on is a complete rework of the older version, eliminating the schema which was not completely clear of how to even set it up. It now comes with native preg_replace_callback functions and straight arrays definition, which could be set up in alphabetical or any other free order.

Now it's possible to define the fragments of words, which should be caught exactly as a word ('strict' definitions), from the beginning of a word ('medium'), or as a fragment inside of a word ('lax') — i.e. there are 3 ways of determining the «bad» word. For example, if a word ass is defined as a strict definition (only the word 'ass' will be masked on its own), now it's easier to allow legal words like 'grass', 'glasses', 'bass' etc.

The replacement method now by default reveals the first letter of a 'badword'. This is done for making the text more understood.

On Sign up, the list of 'badwords' also will be taken into attention: the processed username will be split by '-', '_' and ' ' (space), and any of the registered part will be compared to the 'badwords' list. In a case if a match found, the username won't be possible to sign up.

The new version of the add-on will also allow any words in posted hyperlinks or images/files references, even if they contain something belonging to defined 'badwords'. For example, if a below BB-code is posted, in such a case the s-word would be allowed in the URL, but will be masked in its title:


Please note, that this add-on is still about something purely legitimate. Nothing will stop people from swearing, if they want it. There are tons of ways of how to «work-around» pre-defined words, this add-on is still only about to stop something extremely straight. Admin and Moderators are also excluded from s-words checks, they could post everything.

Happy F****** Valentine's Day!

As previously, you could test this add-on on miniBB demo, and add any comments or remarks in this or related topic.

P.S. S-words provided in this post, come for analytical purpose only, and are not subject of harrasment.

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 «Bad-words» filter updated (completely rewritten)
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