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Add-ons update: Photoswipe integration with File Upload, Premoderation, and Mobile layout

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 18 Feb 2022 19:01
Photoswipe is about a standalone JavaScript library (what I specially liked, it doesn't use jQuery), which allows to review sets of full-size pictures, using touch gestures on mobile devices, and comfortable mouse-based scrolling in desktop browsers. The perfect side of this library is that works on the majority of browsers and devices I've tested. And it's unique option comparing to the similar scripts is that it truly allows to swipe pictures by a finger on a mobile device, which nowadays already became a «must-have» interface of reviewing galleries.

Since the File Uploads add-on for miniBB already supported creation of automatic mini-galleries, it appeared quite possible to bundle it with Photoswipe. In the newest version of the add-on, it became a non-mandatory option (as previously, default is opening full-size pictures in an adjusted pop-up window), but the add-on itself contains all necessary codes to enable it quickly. It's also included as an option in the miniBB Compiler.

Here's how it could look on the Mobile device when reviewing pictures in Photoswipe:

Photoswipe outlook

The new version of the add-on also brings the new algorithm of generating thumbnails — background and borders will not be embedded into the thumbnail anymore, the «squared» shape of a thumbnail will be created via CSS. Besides of the better compatibility with Photoswipe, this brings more server space and traffic saving. The updated package comes with the converter, which you could use for re-generating previous format thumbnails to the new format.

Besides of it, the new version of the add-on eliminates some old options, and introduces some new. They are all possible to find out comparing the older and the newer versions of the addon_fileupload_options.php configuration script.

Premoderation add-on for miniBB has been updated to keep the compatibility with Photoswipe, too. Now all pre-moderated pictures could be opened full-size via this library. Besides of it, the add-on contains a new restriction of which pre-moderated users are not allowed to edit their messages, and the set of codes for handling account's blocking or removal in the Admin panel — now topics and messages should be properly removed or updated in the Premoderation queue in this case. The newer version also contains some little bugfixes and code improvements gained from customers' experience.

The Mobile set of templates for miniBB now also contains embedded support for Photoswipe.

Please note that all Photoswipe additions were made for its current stable version 4.1.3. They all are available for testing on miniBB Demo — and in a certain topic, which is frozen to demonstrate possibilities of the Attachments add-on.

Bundling with Photoswipe was initiated and kindly sponsored by Light Illusion, and supported by the Looti forum. I appreciate the outstanding help and patience from their maintainers while developing.

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 Add-ons update: Photoswipe integration with File Upload, Premoderation, and Mobile layout
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