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1. Posted: 11 Jul 2005 17:31 - News / miniBB software: new search module
    .... This plan is covering almost every popular request. One or more search words are highlighted in bold in search results. Examples: Admin Login problem (the most repeated question on miniBB forums) Install Problem As more search parameters you specify, as more complicated and thinner becomes search. Given parameters cover many tasks. Examples: Search... 

2. Posted: 27 Jun 2005 11:49 - News / miniBB 2.0 RC3a is released
    Today I was going to look at how many pages of my recently installed minibb forum Google indexed. It turns out, all forum topics are indexed, with a slight problem only: on the "site:" command, google will only list the homepage... 

3. Posted: 8 Jun 2005 17:02 - FAQ / Installation problems, difficulties, hints; Database / configuration error via installation
    Hi, I have installed the forum, but when i go to enter it i get this problem.. TEMPLATE NOT FOUND: user_login_form What could it be..? Thanks D3e 

4. Posted: 5 Jun 2005 00:22 - Testimonials / Your impressions and wishes
    ... using the BB to do it, so I had a user crystal and crystal was the administrator. My system isn't set up great. For example BBs try to email passwords to people that try to use them and I'm on a recently reinstalled WIN98 machine with just 64k of memory, a slow modem, and less than 2GB of disk space! I don't have anything I know of to even send mail in the unix SENDMAIL sense... 

5. Posted: 4 Jun 2005 15:48 - Testimonials / Your impressions and wishes
    ... possibilities. I then downloaded Abyss. It was just the first free webserver I came across. I realised there are some free bulleting board in PHP but wasn't sure which were free and which weren't. I had to get PHP and install that; the BBs needed MySQL or similar. I downloaded that. Then when you don't know PHP and don't know SQL and are new to configuring a webserver (Abyss was... 

6. Posted: 23 May 2005 04:46 - Suggestions / Quote function - support for Safari?
    Hi Team, I hope you can assist me with this problem: the quote function on my miniBB 1.7f installation does not appear to work anymore* for Safari 2.0 users. When (Safari) users select some text to quote, an alert pops up and says "please selct some text"... 

7. Posted: 19 Apr 2005 11:16 - FAQ / Admin Login problems
    ... know what does it mean - "decomment" = remove two slashes before that option * It is a known issues where the problem is somewhere on your client side. Try to login with all possible browsers you have installed - Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera. If it works in Firefox, but doesn't work in IE, for exampe, the problem is your IE version. miniBB... 

8. Posted: 9 Mar 2005 13:47 - Master Class / Pure HTML in posts?..
    Hello I installed your board and must say I'm impressed! But there is one problem. When I use simple html it isn't converted to BBcode automaticly. My users do those quizzilla... 

9. Posted: 4 Mar 2005 01:17 - News / miniBB 2.0 RC2a released
    ... realy needed function does not exist, we can always discuss it and to be added. I think that to recompose the main concept might be dangerous. May be the impression comes from my passion to the clean installations... Everybody, in fact, likes the clean installations, but sometimes you don't have the needed 1/2 hour of patience :) Not a big problem,... 

10. Posted: 18 Feb 2005 20:40 - News / miniBB 2.0 RC2 released
    Team, thanks for the release. By my manner, I changed the entire installation and all works without problems. Only one queston for the moment, because I wouldn't like to experiment just now. Can I switch to "Close for edit/Open... 

11. Posted: 8 Feb 2005 14:36 - The Other / Setting default language charset for Apache server
    First of all, open page's source (VIEW->SOURCE) and check, either encoding is REALLY Windows-1251 inside the generated page. Second, this problem could appear with some Apache installations. If Apache server is "russian", and not original like on their downloads page, I know some cases when this happened. This could be fixed only in Apache... 

12. Posted: 31 Mar 2004 23:11 - The Other / missing borders/quotes solution
    Hello, I recently installed the solution for user quotes that I got from the download section. After I put it in and tested it, I saw that it worked but now my replies have lost the border between them. If you... 

13. Posted: 9 Feb 2004 20:03 - FAQ / Admin Login problems
    Hi, after installing and testing xitami server 2.5c1, php 4.3.4, mysql 4.0.17 and minibb 1.7c successfully, i wanted to create a forum but after i tried to logon with my admin account i get an error message... 

14. Posted: 14 Nov 2003 03:52 - The Other / Strange text showing
    Hi! I just installed minibb, downloaded it today. My problem is that I get weird texts here and there. For example, below the 'Post topic' button it says "$posterText}"... 

15. Posted: 12 Oct 2003 15:13 - How To / How did "Team" get his/her cool.gif?
    As I said, I would much prefer to use miniBB as it is just what I want (if it would work correctly). I am no php expert (but I know my stuff) and I have installed miniBB now over 12 times and as you can see its one problem after another. I am not slagging off miniBB, I love the idea...but...(and it is a big but at the moment)... 

16. Posted: 12 Oct 2003 00:49 - How To / How did "Team" get his/her cool.gif?
    My backup installation of miniBB still works fine except for the original issues. No one can register as they get: Error in user data: Unable to register new user. Possibly username or email already taken... 

17. Posted: 12 Oct 2003 00:25 - How To / How did "Team" get his/her cool.gif?'; $Tf='tinny_forums'; $Tp='tinny_posts'; $Tt=tinny_topics'; $Tu=tinny_users'; $Ts=tinny_send_mails'; $Tb=tinny_banned'; Nothing else has been changed at all. 6. Ran _install.php but got this message (for the first time): Installation file is missing. Please, check your directory for_install_.sql The file... 

18. Posted: 7 Aug 2003 00:32 - The Other / Installing miniBB by newbies...B-A, BA
    2nd Anonymous agree with second anonymous :) to RAAN miniBB was created only thanks to our enthusiasm, we're not charging for it, if somebody's having troubles to install he/she can always contact us and we'll install it for a little reward. We're too busy making other scripts to teach everyone web-scripting basics (personally... 

19. Posted: 7 May 2003 13:27 - The Other / Problem with Admin Login on IIS
    ... examining it very close, I found out this: My IE doesn't set cookies when it is communicating with the intranet server. It sets a cookie when it communicates elsewhere (i.e. this site works). So I installed Netscape 7.2 and voilá cookies are set in intranet! That means I can work around the problem somehow :) The question remains, what is wrong between the communication... 

20. Posted: 23 Apr 2003 16:20 - The Other / Problem on "creating forums", AFTER installation
    No, the problem was that miniBB Manual gave the impression that set-up options.php/mysql should be erased (for security) TOO early during installation process. But, in fact, it was still needed for completion by other scripts. So, had to repeat the whole install, keep the setup options.php until... 

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