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1. Posted: 8 Aug 2020 16:12 - Specific / Forums home page layout messed up after installing Mobile add-on v2.1.3
    ... problem! The fix was way easier than identifying what had gone wrong. What had gone wrong? Old marsbar had suffered a couple of Specsavers' Moments: a) The broken forums home page issue --> $startPageModern incorrectly set. b) The plain, unstyled mobile version forums --> "new" default CSS was missing, which is little wonder, given that my forums had until now used only my... 

2. Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:48 - Specific / Forums home page layout messed up after installing Mobile add-on v2.1.3
    ... supposed to change the display of my forums' home page -- please see description of "before" and "after" below. Please note: I use miniBB's old-school layout templates ($startPageModern = False;). My forum is installed in a sub-directory: Previously, my forum home page would display, from top to bottom of page: (1) Forums section which consists... 

3. Posted: 9 May 2019 19:30 - The Other / Retention time of topics under "New Stuff"
    ... completely empty, 'cause all topics expired and removed. The most easiest way to keep the first page without this stuff, is to switch to the "classic" forums mode (setup_options.php -> $startPageModern=FALSE;). I suppose you may also try to edit bb_func_ldisc.php and rewrite basically all requests, which generate the standard output, adding a condition to mySQL to compare either topic_time... 

4. Posted: 26 Oct 2012 00:00 - Specific / URLs
    ... strtolower($topicTitle)); $topicTitle=preg_replace("/&#*[0-9a-z]+;/i", '', $topicTitle); And please do you know, why Recent topics on homepage dissaper, when I switch $startPageModern=TRUE; to FALSE ? Thanks a lot! 

5. Posted: 24 Jul 2008 03:25 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Integrating miniBB in a Wordpress theme
    ... - A working miniBB installation, preferably the latest one. - MiniBB should be installed in a separated folder INSIDE your WordPress folder. - MiniBB should be in classic style so make sure you have $startPageModern=FALSE; in setup_options.php and that is because you ll have WordPress sidebar(s) around and that won't look good. - Ability to edit php files with a text editor like Notepad or (better)... 

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