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miniBB Support Forums / File Bank Upload a File
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  File Name File Size Uploaded at... Description Sent By
jpg file file-bank-dimensions-mob.jpg
→ BB code
21 Kb 24 Jan 2025 17:26 File Bank dimensions - Mobile Paul
png file file-bank-dimensions-des.png
→ BB code
16 Kb 24 Jan 2025 17:25 File Bank dimensions - Desktop Paul
png file youtube-embed.png
→ BB code
18 Kb 8 Nov 2024 16:53 YouTube - Embed method Paul
png file youtube-url.png
→ BB code
6 Kb 8 Nov 2024 16:53 YouTube - URL bar Paul
png file youtube-right-btn.png
→ BB code
231 Kb 8 Nov 2024 16:53 YouTube - Right-button mouse click menu Paul
png file youtube-share.png
→ BB code
47 Kb 8 Nov 2024 16:51 YouTube - Share link method Paul
png file screenshots2024-08-22g10.png
→ BB code
17 Kb 22 Aug 2024 11:11 Matteo96
png file new-avatar-2024-06-18_1.png
→ BB code
18 Kb 18 Jun 2024 21:47 Default blank empty miniBB avatar (updated) Paul
png file blank_avatar.png
→ BB code
13 Kb 23 May 2024 14:43 Default blank empty miniBB avatar Paul
png file file_type_ext-03.png
→ BB code
10 Kb 20 Jul 2023 20:01 File upload type's checking script - upload error Paul
png file file_type_ext-02.png
→ BB code
12 Kb 20 Jul 2023 20:00 File upload type's checking script - successful upload Paul
png file file_type_ext-01.png
→ BB code
21 Kb 20 Jul 2023 20:00 File upload type's checking script - initial screen Paul
jpg file 20230310_173826.jpg
→ BB code
152 Kb 10 Mar 2023 17:46 Let's Encrypt on miniBB - Google Chrome mobile Paul
jpg file 20230310_173903.jpg
→ BB code
197 Kb 10 Mar 2023 17:44 Let's Encrypt on miniBB - Mozilla Firefox mobile Paul
png file spf_check_minibb_com_0.png
→ BB code
31 Kb 23 Feb 2023 16:53 SPF record check for miniBB domain Paul
png file spf_check_minibb_com.png
→ BB code
31 Kb 23 Feb 2023 16:52 SPF record check for miniBB domain Paul
png file minibb-lines.png
→ BB code
270 Kb 31 Oct 2022 22:33 Create thumbnail Steve Shaw
png file untitled_5.png
→ BB code
63 Kb 25 Jul 2022 16:34 Create thumbnail Steve Shaw
png file filebank_form.png
→ BB code
30 Kb 2 Mar 2022 16:58 File Bank form - Thumbnail Checkbox Paul
png file fkuc.png
→ BB code
2 Kb 14 Feb 2022 20:00 Fkuc Paul
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