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61. Posted: 27 Mar 2013 08:53 - Specific / Is it possible to user place his images into post?
    Your question seems so simple that I almost do not dare me to write a response. Sure, Users can integrated images in the posts. And in miniBB is already installed via BB Codes. Place in your post: [img=http://url_to_your_picture]Description... 

62. Posted: 10 Mar 2013 10:28 - Specific / how to enable javascript embed into a posting
    Yes, it's possible. It should be kind of BB code, or anyway, something related to the safe conversion must come from bb_codes.php. 

63. Posted: 19 Aug 2012 01:20 - Specific / FancyBOX and miniBB integration
    So i manage to work my miniBB with FancyBOX, but .... there is one problem. Form start, i changed these lines in bb_codes.php: /* fixed width and ALT */ $pattern[]="/\[imgs=(http[s]*:\/\/([^<> \n\r\[\]&]+?)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png))\]([^<>\n\r\[\]&=\/\"']+?)\[\/imgs\]/i";... 

64. Posted: 14 Aug 2012 22:30 - Specific / FancyBOX and miniBB integration
    Hey there, bb_codes.php is the file you may modify for any new codes. Image buttons are set up in templates/main_post_form.html If you are a good coder, I'd recommend to use a solution on how to find... 

65. Posted: 19 Jul 2012 06:26 - Specific / Disable bbcode?
    10 years later - and still should work. That's what miniBB is all about ;-) - disable BB codes 

66. Posted: 11 Apr 2012 14:21 - News / Premium add-ons are being updated for miniBB 3.0
    Today I've worked out the styled BB-button for the "Bulleted List" solution, and it's now tested and confirmed to work with miniBB 3 in full. Also, this add-on was updated in Compiler... 

67. Posted: 31 Mar 2012 11:08 - Specific / apply styles to the images
    I would ask at first - why would you need it at all? Implementation method depends on the reason of it. Tom is right, you must apply all stylings, modifying BB codes functions (bb_codes.php). You can't put them like you mention above. 

68. Posted: 28 Feb 2012 12:24 - News / Premium add-ons are being updated for miniBB 3.0
    ... heights. Now you can't provide widths larger than 799 pixels and heights larger than 599 pixels. I hope it can suit most of YouTube cases and not break the layout; if no, let me know :) The code from bb_codes.encode.txt was updated for that. Enjoy. 

69. Posted: 22 Feb 2012 17:44 - News / Premium add-ons are being updated for miniBB 3.0
    ... README file for more details. The updated add-on also has a reworked BB-button in miniBB-style, and it's tested/compatible with Compiler. Because of that, I have also a bit updated the miniBB core. bb_codes.php should contain '<iframe' value in $simpleCodes definition. 

70. Posted: 19 Feb 2012 11:49 - Specific / Using miniBB in a network accessed by hand crank/solar powered computers and cellphones
    I think it should be possible by removing a few lines of code from the file bb_codes.php. You might want to add an extra layer of security by coding (or hiring Paul to do it, hehe) some function that checks whether the posted message/topic has URL's for external... 

71. Posted: 19 Jan 2012 19:45 - Specific / "Subject" has a strange mouse-over effect
    ... release, there was <a name> tag located over this wording. In the latest release I've fixed it to have no tag around. The mouse over effect comes from there. Because there is <a> tag. bb_codes.php is exactly a place to remove some functions. Just follow them, you need to remove every $pattern and $replacement element which contains the proper code. Also edit templates/main_post_form... 

72. Posted: 2 Jan 2012 13:08 - Specific / LaTeX tags
    ... contact add-on's authors for that. However if you have modified the original codes, make sure you did it properly. The proper code should be contained in both encodebb() and decodebb() functions of bb_codes.php. 

73. Posted: 18 Oct 2011 11:37 - Specific / Media embedding addons
    The add-on was released :) 

74. Posted: 8 Oct 2011 00:12 - Specific / Media embedding addons
    ... still some leftovers from a 'third-party' add-on. The add-on that was causing the prblems was the [code] add-on, what is known also as [hihglight]. After I commented out this piece of code from bb_codes the add-on was working as aspected: [edit] (removed code) Since [highlighting] does what I need I, offcourse, do not need this code. So no troubles here! I have the add-on public now... 

75. Posted: 3 Oct 2011 15:40 - Specific / Media embedding addons
    ... about embedding media from other sites. Vimeo offers a great way of hosting and sharing videos, it would be ridiculous and unnecessary to do the same. I just observed the code for youtube embedding in bb_codes, and although it does make sense, I rather not try it myself. You probably do a much better job and faster too. The code from vimeo look like this: (not sure if highlighting is enabled... 

76. Posted: 3 Oct 2011 12:35 - Specific / Media embedding addons
    ... just need to program a specific BB function to convert something like BB-code to the actual HTML referenced to these sites, all purely the same like for YouTube code or any other code. You must edit bb_codes.php for it and add new parts to enCodeBB() and deCodeBB() functions. We also could provide custom service regarding the codes you would like to implement; one code for the media site... 

77. Posted: 27 Sep 2011 22:39 - The Other / don't call it open source
    I've brought this letter from the miniBB's Contacts page box, and it was actually received 3 days ago. Unfortunately, recently I don't have enough of time to share it to the wasteful emails... 

78. Posted: 20 Sep 2011 08:59 - News / miniBB ver. 2.5a released: SQL injection and XSS fixes
    XSS vulnerability in a file and is not resolved - bb_codes_sig.php ( Signatures) lines: /* [IMGS] tag code - with fixed width and ALT */ $pattern[]="/\[img=(http:\/\/([^<> \n\r\[\]&]+?)\... 

79. Posted: 1 Jun 2011 10:11 - Master Class / Automatic post insertion (via cron job?..)
    Obviously, the text is not converted, because some of the conditions is not met. In bb_codes.php, you must follow the path of $userUrlsAllowed variable. Executing the script from crontab, you will need to set this var to TRUE only somewhere in the script. 

80. Posted: 5 Apr 2011 11:02 - Specific / css/page content editor
    schorote: is html/php tag stripping user input a save method to save content in a file?Not sure what exactly kind of "saving content in a file" do you mean? And how BB codes are involved? A bit... 

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