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41. Posted: 13 Jul 2014 11:33 - How To / ban hyperlinks in messages from new users?
    miniBB's manual has this; $allowHyperlinks=10; mandatory option; if greater than zero, it means hyperlinks will be allowed for members only who made not less than $allowHyperlinks postings. If set... 

42. Posted: 15 May 2014 19:37 - Official Addons and Solutions / Pre-moderation / Premoderation
    Jaime: and your brain cells are younger than mine ... Why i hope your cells work better than mine ;-)If it's the age question, then you might consider to ask yourself why I'm more busier than... 

43. Posted: 10 Apr 2014 18:42 - Specific / Picture wont link?
    Yes, for security reasons the script won't allow some specific symbols set in urls. This could be fixed in bb_codes, but not sure if it would be secured then, afterall... 

44. Posted: 4 Mar 2014 21:48 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / BB Code for text strike-through?
    ... style="width:22px;height:22px" alt="{$l_bb_strike}" title="{$l_bb_strike}" /></a> Put and translate $l_bb_strike into your language pack (lang/eng.php probably). Then modify bb_codes.php, replicating for the function enCodeBB: $pattern[]="/\[[sS]\](.+?)\[\/[sS]\]/s"; $replacement[]='<del>\\1</del>';and for... 

45. Posted: 3 Feb 2014 22:35 - Bugs / YouTube code bug with https domain
    ... got the old youtube videos working by running a mysql query and replacing all of the links with Still want to know if what I did, simply changing the bb_codes.php file is the way to go, though everything youtube-wise now seems to be working. :) 

46. Posted: 11 Jan 2014 10:52 - Specific / BB code - .JPG images in uppercase do not work
    Paul: Obviously you are trying to put an image which has too long URL or some specific characters in its name.Yes. After running a few more tests by uploading my own images with a JPG extension - short... 

47. Posted: 11 Jan 2014 03:18 - Specific / BB code - .JPG images in uppercase do not work
    Something to do with bb_codes.php. I don't have a clever answer, but a hack that might work. Inside bb_codes.php find all lines of code that have this: (gif|jpg|jpeg|png) Modify that stuff... 

48. Posted: 19 Sep 2013 15:53 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Stop the direct Image Codes ([img]), and force [imgs=...[/imgs] instead
    1. open bb_codes.php for editing (my recommendation is to use Notepad2) 2. Locate all codes which do contain [img=..] or [img] - remove them or disable them, putting double slash in front // 3. Follow... 

49. Posted: 19 Sep 2013 15:21 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Stop the direct Image Codes ([img]), and force [imgs=...[/imgs] instead
    Yep - I agree. But I don't think it's malicious by the users. So, how can I edit bb_codes.php to make all images tags follow the [imgs... format? (You know I'm a dunce at this code stuff! ;o) Steve 

50. Posted: 19 Sep 2013 15:18 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Stop the direct Image Codes ([img]), and force [imgs=...[/imgs] instead
    Steve Shaw: Can that be stopped?You can completely disable [img] tag in bb_codes.php. Alternatively, you can transform all [img]'s to the same format which is provided by [imgs]. Steve Shaw: are pasting their own code using [img, rather than [imgs...Pity :)... 

51. Posted: 9 Sep 2013 22:11 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Stop the direct Image Codes ([img]), and force [imgs=...[/imgs] instead
    ... should work by default that way. It's IMGS tag versus IMG. IMG is up to display full size picture, IMGS is up to fit the picture to the width, which is defined in $GLOBALS['imgsWidth'] of bb_codes.php. IMGS is inserted by default, may be some of your users became clever and started to remove the S letter? who knows... 

52. Posted: 5 Aug 2013 11:56 - Official Addons and Solutions / Vimeo
    You're copying the public URL for Vimeo video. It's not about the embedding URL. You may try to modify BB code for Vimeo add-on in enCodeB() function of BB codes, adding secured protocol to... 

53. Posted: 31 Jul 2013 21:09 - Re-cycled / Color Picker - just showing code?
    LOL - I had uploaded an incorrect version of the bb_codes.php. so the one I was checking was ok - but the uploaded one wasn't! As I said, I can be areal idiot at times - but this php is rather now to me - but learning a lot with your... 

54. Posted: 31 Jul 2013 13:03 - Specific / Images with a https:// location not linked to
    If you want to give users possibilities to provide suspicious image URLs, you have all ways to do that, it's open source program :-) Just edit bb_codes.php and remove this portion of regular expression: \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)from all the codes of enCodeBB() function following in the "external images" section. We will not... 

55. Posted: 31 Jul 2013 11:22 - Specific / Making a Super Sticky topic from bb_plugins?
    Sorry, it's not possible with an easy way or default miniBB codes. 

56. Posted: 29 Mar 2013 11:10 - Specific / Is it possible to user place his images into post?
    Jaime: Have you ever tested it?Yes. No effect :( Jaime: You can in bb_codes your own bb_code create, for each of you desired image format.I'll try. Jaime: In these images you have no control, Yes but, original this image size is 300*250 and we are see it... 

57. Posted: 29 Mar 2013 08:38 - Specific / Is it possible to user place his images into post?
    ... this setting all images will have new but same size?Have you ever tested it? Is there a way to set images to their original size?There is always a way, the question is whether it is your :) You can in bb_codes your own bb_code create, for each of you desired image format. Or you use HTML-code in your posts ... In your example you use an image link that is located on an external server. In... 

58. Posted: 28 Mar 2013 07:51 - Specific / Is it possible to user place his images into post?
    At the first, make your link, and then put your picture in the link [url=your_link][img=your_picture[/img][/url] See in bb_codes.php ... you found $GLOBALS['imgsWidth']=150; //static width for shrinking images Play with this :) And look at how work BB codes! Paul created you but surely the appropriate... 

59. Posted: 27 Mar 2013 21:34 - Specific / Is it possible to user place his images into post?
    cleargoal: if picture I want to place to post is on my local computer, how to upload it?With Files and Images Attachments, an premium addon for minibb :) ... but then you have many more questions 8) -... 

60. Posted: 27 Mar 2013 15:51 - Specific / Is it possible to user place his images into post?
    Jaime: And in miniBB is already installed via BB CodesThank you! In my forum there is this button but, where are images placed? How to form a link to image? 

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