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201. Posted: 30 Aug 2005 18:37 - News / miniBB version 2.0 RC4b released (possible vu1neerability fix)
    Mr. Sam Tomas recently discovered, that if you have magic_quotes_gpc set to OFF in php.ini, there is a very possible vu1neerability with high seecurity risk. In most cases, magic_quotes_gpc is set to ON... 

202. Posted: 14 Jul 2005 17:23 - News / Signatures solution added
    With miniBB 2.0 series and Signature solution, based on "user info in posts" conception of miniBB 2, you can allow your members to attach signatures to the every message they post. When user changes signature... 

203. Posted: 19 Jun 2005 13:38 - How To / remove " rel=nofollow " tag on links
    In file bb_codes.php line # 47, what would be the correct expression after removing the "nofollow" attribute. Will there be a ? after target=\"(_new|_blank)\" I mean: target=\"(_new|_blank)\"?>... 

204. Posted: 16 Jun 2005 19:36 - How To / remove " rel=nofollow " tag on links
    ... links make sense ONLY if sites have reciprocal links to your project. Else they are nothing, in SEO point of view. You think, you may put 1,000,000 links to other sites and be #1 in the SE? :-) Anyway, bb_codes.php and bb_func_txt.php are the right files to edit/remove this tag. Look up for "nofollow" and you'll find code strings you need to edit. No another files are necessary... 

205. Posted: 16 Jun 2005 15:27 - How To / remove " rel=nofollow " tag on links
    ... like to turn off the nofollow attribute. Being very low on programming myself, but hey I can edit php fiels that's no problem :), I have only found that the following two files need a change: bb_codes.php bb_func_txt.php Is that true or do I need to change more files for having the url's without nofollow? Thanks, Tom 

206. Posted: 6 Jun 2005 13:00 - News / miniBB 2 Release Candidate 3 is released
    img/smilies/smdesc.php - this is the file you need to look at, for inserting new smilie code and file name. No [url][img] tags are necessary for smilies. [img](h)ttp:// 

207. Posted: 27 May 2005 20:53 - News / miniBB 2 Release Candidate 3 is released
    Notice for "Quotes" solution users: you SHOULD NOT OVERWRITE your bb_codes.php file from original you have. Final file for your solution should be the following: <?php /* This file is part of miniBB. miniBB is free discussion forums/message board software... 

208. Posted: 23 May 2005 10:51 - How To / Manual to FAQ
    Thank you for your replies. I am a newbie. I didn't understand what "DISABLE, to DISABLE BB CODES..."and "BBcodes" are and where I can find them? I know I have to replace manual... 

209. Posted: 22 May 2005 20:37 - How To / Manual to FAQ
    Many people did the same :) Yes, "Disable" means "Disable BB Codes". However, in this your shortened manual you could add also the principles of registration, the way of receiving... 

210. Posted: 22 May 2005 18:13 - How To / Manual to FAQ
    I didn't think it was neccessary for members to see the full manual, so I replaced it with just the BB Codes explanation... I also changed DISABLE, to DISABLE BB CODES...which I think is meant by... 

211. Posted: 14 Apr 2005 11:15 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Enabling moderators to use color BB codes / color tags
    Look at the following statement in bb_codes.php: if($admin==1) { $pattern[]="/\[font(#[A-F0-9]{6})\](.+?)\[\/font\]/is"; $replacement[]='<font color="\\1">\\2</font>';... 

212. Posted: 31 Mar 2005 10:40 - How To / How to disable HTML URLs?
    ... has to be replaced in bb_func_txt.php: if($urls and !$bbcodes) { $text=urlMaker($text,$wrap); } to: if($urls and !$bbcodes) { //$text=urlMaker($text,$wrap); } also remove all [url=...] tags from bb_codes.php (encodeBB and decodeBB functions). 

213. Posted: 9 Mar 2005 13:54 - Master Class / Pure HTML in posts?..
    We are using only BB codes for processing HTML results. However, you can edit bb_codes.php functions and create some new replacements which will automate direct HTML processing. Example: $pattern[]="/&lt;b&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/b&gt;/s"; $replacement[]='<b>\\1</b>';... 

214. Posted: 28 Jan 2005 12:59 - Master Class / WYSIWYG in miniBB
    There are very many questions on how to integrate pop-ups, via WYSIWYG form or just standard javascript pop-ups; thus we need to decide how to interpret actual BB codes to HTML... Unfortunatelly, Opera... 

215. Posted: 29 Dec 2004 11:34 - Master Class / WYSIWYG in miniBB
    Ivan This is ok, but the only thing we need is just this JavaScript source. I don't know many good WYSIWYG editors around, they are either too complicated or too buggy. If you know some, inform us... 

216. Posted: 28 Dec 2004 11:52 - Master Class / WYSIWYG in miniBB
    how to fit into minibb guess, just to insert it in a template, or not? maybe change BB codes, too. 

217. Posted: 26 Nov 2004 23:40 - How To / disabling bb codes?
    ... type="hidden" name="disbbcode" value="on"> HTML tag to the form there; plus remove all BBcode tags so users won't see all those buttons. Additionally, modify enCodeBB() function of bb_codes.php and remove all text replacements. So the function should return the same value as it receives. 

218. Posted: 4 Oct 2004 02:28 - The Other / Addon quotes BB Codes quote=Someone solution
    ... "[quote=\\1]\\2[/quote]"; $pattern[8] = '/<div class=\"quote\">(.+?)\<\/div>/is'; $replacement[8] = "[quote]\\1[/quote]"; to the deCode function of 'bb_codes.php' file. 

219. Posted: 10 Apr 2004 16:53 - qwerty / Upgrading from version 1.7 to 1.7d
    I am using version 1.7 now and I want to upgrade to 1.7d. Can I simply do this by replacing the following files with the ones in the 1.7d package? bb_func_checkusr.php bb_admin.php bb_codes.php bb_func_search.php setup_mysql.php index.php Or do I have to replace other files too (i.e. language file)? Greetings, Pascal 

220. Posted: 17 Feb 2004 03:58 - Bugs / quote problem in Safari
    madmac edit bb_codes php copy pattern related to [i][/i] and change it to [quote] [/quote] that's pretty simple as to javascript you can also take the one which works in Safari and use it in your template... 

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