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How to close / turn off / shut down forums temporarily

Author 4days
#1 · Posted: 18 Jun 2003 00:56
never seen anyone post about it so maybe the demand isn't there, but what would people think of the option for admins to 'close' the board?

was doing some work on the database for a friend and it would've been handy to shut visitors out that had bookmarked pages within the site.

Author Sergei
Team member
#2 · Posted: 18 Jun 2003 03:12
hmm.. you can always password protect the board.

$protectWholeForumPwd = 'SOME_PWD'; Password for protecting the whole forum.

$protectWholeForum = 0; Should we protect all forums by one password? If value is 1, 2 values below are defined as well. Else set to 0.

Another approach is to temporarily rename index.php (or whatever forums index file you have) to something else, then defining it in setup_options.php - $indexphp

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 How to close / turn off / shut down forums temporarily
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