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How can I do to login on minibb using my users table?

Author Galileo
#1 · Posted: 28 Oct 2006 04:32
Hi to everyone,

I've a table called: users in my db.
This table has 3 fields:
- username
- password (md5)
- email

I see the $dbUserSheme variable but I don't understand how can I do to use this table instead the minibb users table.

I've set up this var:



Author Galileo
#2 · Posted: 28 Oct 2006 04:51
I've created a view with the follow fields:

# user_id - integer auto_increment type; stores unique user ID
# username - varchar type, stores user's login (sign in) name
# user_regdate - datetime type, sign up date
# password - varchar type, stores encrypted user's password (in miniBB, it is encrypted via MD5() function)
# user_email - varchar type, stores unique email of the user
# activity - integer type (0 or 1) - identifies user's access to forums. If this values is set to 0, user's membership is disabled for some reason. 1 by default.
# user_viewemail - integer type (0 or 1) - if 1, user has allowed to show his email publically. 0 by default.

but I have not this fields:
# user_sorttopics - integer type (0 or 1) - default sorting by latest replies or latest topics.
# language - char type, 3 letter index of forums interface language
# num_topics - integer type; number of topics user created
# num_posts - integer type; number of posts user created

Can I use a view? or I need a table?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 28 Oct 2006 11:33

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 How can I do to login on minibb using my users table?
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