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'Very Hot' Topic icon code

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 26 Aug 2005 14:33
will this work in 2.0?

I will show this on miniBB 1.4 example, which we release within this week (you can download RC):

1) Create some icon for hot topics, name it "topic_veryhot.gif" and place it into /img/ directory

2) Add to setup_options.php:

$veryhotcount=3; // it will define how much topic to define "hot"

3) Open bb_func_vtopic.php file, find this snippet:

if ($cols[6]==1) $tpcIcon='locked';
elseif ($numReplies<=0) $tpcIcon = 'empty';
elseif ($numReplies>=$viewmaxreplys) $tpcIcon = 'hot';
else $tpcIcon = 'default';
change it to this:

if ($cols[6]==1) $tpcIcon='locked';
elseif ($numReplies<=0) $tpcIcon = 'empty';
elseif ($numReplies>=$veryhotcount) $tpcIcon = 'veryhot';
elseif ($numReplies>=$viewmaxreplys) $tpcIcon = 'hot';
else $tpcIcon = 'default';

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 26 Aug 2005 14:41
It should.

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 'Very Hot' Topic icon code
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