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Additional code to implement when setting $closeRegister=1

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 8 Jan 2007 06:38
If you disable «open» registrations and would like to force user to validate his email upon registering, you must uncomment and set the option


in setup_options.php file.

However, if you're worrying about your members, it would be useful to provide some kind of additional information about that. For example, user doesn't see the «Password» link while registering, because the password will be generated/emailed to his email address; so you need some way to inform the user about that. The same way you should inform the user, that if he changes the password in Preferences, it will be also re-generated and resent to his email address, and his account will be blocked until he confirms it. After registration, user should also get a proper message about password has been sent and the registration is completed.

Below are minimal steps to fix your forums when this setting is up:

1) Paste in bb_plugins.php the following code:

/* email registrations addon */

if($action=='registernew' or $action=='register'){
$emailTitle='<br />Please, specify a valid working email address. Your forums password will be emailed there.';
elseif($action=='prefs' or $action=='editprefs') {
$emailTitle='<br />If you change your email address, a confirmation link will be sent on it. Until you confirm it, you will not be able to enter forums as a member.';

/* --email registrations addon */
2) Paste the variable {$emailTitle} in templates/user_dataform.html beneath the email field. For example that way:

<td class="caption4" style="text-align:right">* <b>{$l_email}</b></td>
<td class="caption5"><input type="text" name="email" maxlength="50" size="20" value="{$email}" class="textForm" style="width:200px;" /><span class="txtSm">{$emailTitle}</span></td>
3) Modify your language pack and change variable $l_goToLogin (it will be displayed AFTER user registers):

$l_goToLogin='Your password has been sent on the email address specified. Please, check it within the next few minutes. Only after validating your email and password, you will be able to sign in on forums.';
4) Starting from miniBB v3.5, email template for registration is no longer providing straight username and password visible. Replace this template to the alternative version, providing this data (unpack to the /templates/ folder an modify if needed).

Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 30 Apr 2007 21:38
They are 2 different email confirmation methods, and miniBB uses the easiest.

ok thanks ill work on it. i understand it is probably easier to generate random passwords, but when you are a member of multiple forums its a nightmare to have to memorize a dozen different passwords... especially if it is randomly generated and not something you would otherwise easily remember. i know this is probably a good idea from a security standpoint, but since when do end users care about security?? ;) personally i dont like randomy assigned passwords for the same aforementioned reason and i'd imagine forum members that agrees with me would end up having to verify their account and then change the password, or be stuck trying to memorize another random password, which simply creates a couple extra steps for a member to complete before they become regular posters... so in general i wouldnt consider this that much easier, but this is my opinion i suppose. it might send them looking for another forum to participate in :(

anyway, either way minibb is a great peice of software and im still gonna use it. thanks! :)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 1 May 2007 03:22
especially if it is randomly generated and not something you would otherwise easily remember

That's true, confirming your registration you need to go to the "Profile" and change that password. Is it so difficult? I suppose, not difficulter than to walk with two pails full of water on both hands for ten miles.

The things you are writing about are just called "habits". What have you seen in overbloated software, is just your habit. Possibly, a bad habit. I already proved our method is the fastest and more convenient comparing to what you have in mind. You're still trying to prove that better method is worse than a bad habit.

minibb is a great peice of software and im still gonna use it

- thanks, maybe it is great just because we're thinking of the best methods, not habits ;-)

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 Additional code to implement when setting $closeRegister=1
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