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What happens with vars during templates parsing?

Author terex
#1 · Posted: 26 Apr 2003 17:51
Sorry for my english first

piece of templates/user_logn_form:
<input tabindex=0 type=text size=10 maxlength=25 name="user_usr" value="{$user_usr}" class=textForm>

piece of bb_fucn_vthread.php:
if (!$user_usr) $user_usr=$l_anonymous;

Why value of $user_usr does not appear in the input box in the login form?

It interest me because when users sees blank textbox, they left it as is. After, i see messages only from Anonymous =)

But if $l_anonymous wrote in "login" field, probably users will change whis name to another.

Author mmx
#2 · Posted: 26 Apr 2003 18:07
if you try a username that exists - without the correct password (because you mistyped or it is not your account) you will see an error message; if you click back there the template will fill in the account you tried.
of course the very first time a user comes in the template cannot "smell" who is trying to get in :-)

Author terex
#3 · Posted: 26 Apr 2003 18:55
Oops.. I didn't think about this :)
Ok, no questions.

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 What happens with vars during templates parsing?
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