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Curly brackets format technique ( {$likeThis} ) of PHP variables - is it a standard?

Author hugh
#1 · Posted: 2 Aug 2005 11:55
You know the technique you use of embedding variables encased in curly brackets in the template files {$likeThis} to reference functions on the index page? Is that a standard php technique? If so can you point me to the part of the manual or a tutorial that deals with it? Thanks.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 2 Aug 2005 12:09
It's not a standart PHP technique, but it is allowed also in PHP, to use such kind of brackets, when working with string variables. Example:


echo $b;

//produces output "ba"

echo <<<out
The first letter of alphabet is {$a}.

//produces "The first letter of alphabet is a."


miniBB uses special parsing function, to get these variables out.

Author hugh
#3 · Posted: 2 Aug 2005 12:18
OK. Thanks.

Master Class miniBB Support Forums / Master Class /
 Curly brackets format technique ( {$likeThis} ) of PHP variables - is it a standard?
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