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Adding new user profile field (Full name)

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Author Simon_B
#31 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 21:46
I think something went wrong, I'll try again.

I think you'll have to register to see the problem in full. That is because a registred user can see the custom field (Fulde navn) but when you view others profile you can't see the custom field.

You can find a list of registred users under the link: Registrerede bruger at the bottom of the main forum page.

Author Team
#32 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 21:57
Hmm... I've registered - but could you update the latest version of bb_func_usernfo.php and put it there?

I don't see this field even in your profile.

Author Simon_B
#33 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 21:59
I'll try....

Author Simon_B
#34 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:02
I have now done that, no change.

Author Team
#35 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:05
I've noticed... $l_usrInfo[12] - that's what you need to set in language pack if you have default user_custom1 for this field.

Author Simon_B
#36 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:09
Did that, still no change

Author Team
#37 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:16
Hmmm... it absolutely works on my test server with $l_usrInfo[12]='Something'; for example if specified in language pack. Are you sure you have put this in language pack?

Author Simon_B
#38 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:21
I'm sure. I have justed checked it again. It say $l_usrInfo[12]='Fulde navn/Fullname'; in the Danish and English language packs.

Author Team
#39 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:27

Try to set this function in bb_plugins.php:

function parseUserInfo_user_custom1($val){
return $val;

Author Simon_B
#40 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:33
Unfortunately nothing changed for the better :-(

Author Team
#41 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:45
I can not suggest anything more. If you could provide temporary FTP for the server, contact Paul ghappa [at] so he could help you more on that, if he will be able to take a look at the files.

Author Simon_B
#42 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 22:54
My server is located elsewhere and I only have one set of codes for accessing it. I'm workning on moving my server home, and then I can grant temporary access to others.

I really appreciate the time you've spend on my problems :-)

Author Team
#43 · Posted: 6 Sep 2005 23:07
Anyway I will check on this later tomorrow more. Because everything should work, since it is working on my server. There is nothing so specific here in that function.

Author Team
#44 · Posted: 7 Sep 2005 12:25
So, I have checked this, and I am sure it is working with default miniBB installaton latest release 2.0 RC4b. You can see an example on our forthcoming test demo version:

"Real name" is the field under "user_custom1" in database.

I have just added in user_dataform.html:

<td class=caption4 align=right valign=top>Real name</td>
<td class=caption5><input type=text name=user_custom1 maxlength=15 size=20 value="{$user_custom1}" class=textForm style="width:200px;"></td>

and put $l_usrInfo[12]='Real name';
in lang/eng.php that's all. And it's working.

So the problem is somewhere on your side, sorry.

Author Simon_B
#45 · Posted: 7 Sep 2005 21:26
I have made another update, and know it actually works :-) Thank you!

But my problems never seem to stop. How can I get the custom field at the very top when viewing a users profile?

I have the Full name field at the bottom, I would like it to be higher up - best above login name and regdate.

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 Adding new user profile field (Full name)
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