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Quote solution does not work properly

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Author lutz
#16 · Posted: 18 Jul 2006 16:16
Oh dear.. Addons I've done so far are:

Who's Online
Members List
(attempted First Page News)

Um.. Oh - could it be to do with my changing the poster's name to a profile link instead of $viewreg? I've just been looking at that now and realising that it doesn't really work if the poster is not in fact registered.
I'll replace bb_func_vthread and see if that fixes the quote problem.

In which case.. I may have to take back my promise about not being stupid or anything. All I've done in the past couple of days is make mistakes!

Author lutz
#17 · Posted: 18 Jul 2006 16:19
Oh bloody hell - that was the problem! Thanks for the $posterName tip! Maybe I'll keep the $viewreg profile link as it is.

Thanks for your help - I'll try not to bug you too much again.
All I have to do now is sort out this front page news thing and then I'm completely sorted!

Author ripper
#18 · Posted: 31 Mar 2007 09:07
I have installed Quote Solution Plugin and have this problem:

When I edit post with a quote and save it, the quote bb-code messes up like this: [quote]<div class="quoting">Quoting: jyothi [/quote]It doesn't work properly</div>

I have the same problem, could you please advice me what needs to be done to solve this problem.

Author Moony
#19 · Posted: 1 Apr 2007 11:13
I have the same problem, could you please advice me what needs to be done to solve this problem.

Just reinstall the whole thing again more carefully and attentively. I have messed up the DeCode function or something like that.

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