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Addon_bbcolor Issue

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 11 Mar 2017 14:34
I seem to have found a problem with addon_bbcolor.
My style sheet uses:


And this prevents the colour picker 'colours' from showing in Firefox and Edge browsers (Chrome seems to work).

If I am right, the issue is with the 'addon_bbcolor.php' code, where it uses '$tbWidth' to set the table width for the colour patches?
(But I could easily be wrong as I am not a coder!)


Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 11 Mar 2017 18:27
I think in logic the problem is in your CSS (since the addon works without your CSS img addition). Still, change your current img style to this:

to make it work (it should cover other possible cases where p.gif is used.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 11 Mar 2017 22:59
I'm not sure why do you use a generic class for ALL images on the page? miniBB styling didn't suppose it. You could define certain classes where this rule will be applied, like

.postedText img{

.popUp img{
but I suppose it's not a proper way to set it for every such element on the page.

Author Steve Shaw
#4 · Posted: 11 Mar 2017 23:18
Ah, I think I have found the issue...
The ReadMe file seems to be incorrect.

"$splitRow - defines amount of rows where color set will be displayed; 1 by default (we do not recommend provide a lot of rows, actually)"

The $splitRow value actually needs to be the same number as the number of colour patches you have.
It seems to specify the number of columns, not rows.
Also, the default (preset) value in the file is zero!

Does that make sense?

And the generic class for all images is because the website the forum is associated with is 'responsive'. and I like the forum being the same.


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#5 · Posted: 11 Apr 2017 19:49
Sorry for a delayed response... it seems the problem went further than the bug in the README. I have coded this add-on almost 10 years ago and wasn't able to understand what I was meaning putting all these settings :) Now I think the problem is solved, and you could get the newer version of this add-on in Downloads.

So, besides of the wrong description, recently I've got the same problem as you described developing the embedded forums version into WordPress. Obviously, WordPress styling is the same imperfect as you described. At some point their style-sheet defines the common attribute for all IMG tags, which is of course wrong. Anyway, there's no other deal than to adopt the engine to it, because I don't even know where to start from in WordPress files. Life is too short to investigate it all.

In result, I have eliminated the "empty" p.gif image which miniBB could often use for the most proper defining of the width and height of cells in the old-school style. It worked for years in the "ancient" browsers, and it always works by now - but only if the generic IMG tag is not defined elsewhere with the common style-sheet property as max-width. Then it kills this simple and still effective approach.

As for the Color Picker add-on, I've eliminated p.gif, the table, and made it purely generated with DIV tags. So far checked on various devices/browsers, and it even works on my good old Ipad1/Safari and on Surface 1/IE, not saying it of course works in the most updated versions of Firefox, Opera and Chrome. You may also check how it looks by default on miniBB demo.

$splitRow actually defines the color picking square units displayed in one row; 0 by default means there's just a single row of colors. So for example if we have 16 colors defined, and $splitRow=8, then we have 2 rows like this:

Color Picker - 2 rows

Hopefully it will work for you now... if not, let me know.

And thanks for report!

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 Addon_bbcolor Issue
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