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Results found: 18 
1. Posted: 10 May 2004 16:16 - Official Addons and Solutions / Smileys
    This could be a problem, of course... But in a case it will not work too, you can send the files. I wrote email address above. 

2. Posted: 10 May 2004 13:43 - Official Addons and Solutions / Smileys
    I meant - FTP access or something when I can see the files. Contact webmaster [at] 

3. Posted: 10 May 2004 11:14 - Official Addons and Solutions / Smileys
    Really hard to say what the matter is. If you give temporar access to your site, I could say exactly. 

4. Posted: 10 May 2004 10:20 - Official Addons and Solutions / Smileys
    It means you haven't included plugin in bb_plugins? 

5. Posted: 8 May 2004 12:26 - Official Addons and Solutions / Smileys
    What exactly doesn't display? Images? 

6. Posted: 24 May 2004 10:46 - Official Addons and Solutions / Smileys
    P.S. include (' ') ; will not work never. "Include" works only on local files. 

7. Posted: 24 May 2004 10:45 - Official Addons and Solutions / Smileys
    There should be no empty lines or spaces after ?> 

8. Posted: 31 May 2004 09:38 - Master Class / Conversion: phpbb -> minibb

9. Posted: 24 May 2004 15:02 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / When posts are sorted in DESC order, after posting a topic, the forum redirects to the last page
    Sorry... you'll find it in index.php Look for page=$page 

10. Posted: 24 May 2004 10:27 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / When posts are sorted in DESC order, after posting a topic, the forum redirects to the last page
    This is redirect algorithm. You need to change also bb_pthread. When header("location"...) goes to page=-1, it goes to the last page. You need to set location's page to 0. 

11. Posted: 20 May 2004 10:24 - Re-cycled / Time-limit on Editing Posts
    RTFM. $useredit=86400; Parameter defines number of seconds, after which user WILL NOT BE ABLE to edit his message. By default is 1 day (86400 sec.) If 0 or not set, user will be able to edit his post... 

12. Posted: 18 May 2004 18:01 - The Other / GPL and other licensing questions
    There were many misunderstandings around this term in the past, but, as you already said - and your copyright notice - in the source. HTML template is also our source. Actually, in this case GPL means... 

13. Posted: 17 May 2004 17:14 - Master Class / UTC Time in the Database
    Actually, I don't know what "daylight saving" problem could be - if you mean that you need to insert user's time, not server time, than this is probably not the best idea... Somebody... 

14. Posted: 12 May 2004 10:24 - Master Class / miniBB cookie format / Login status on other pages of the website, if user is logged in on forums
    Cookie is set in the following format: "USERNAME|MD5_PASSWORD|EXPIRE_TIME" You need to explode this cookie string by "|". But, for reading cookie information, you need to set path... 

15. Posted: 12 May 2004 10:19 - How To / getting rid of everything above messages (including the words "Last Poster" and "Message" as well)
    Edit templates main_posts.html, main_posts_cell.html 

16. Posted: 8 May 2004 11:31 - The Other / Two Sites, One Database
    miniBB shouldn't be confused. Try it. 

17. Posted: 7 May 2004 10:25 - Master Class / Add-on condition: checking if user has logged in
    If $user_id!=0 - then this is logged & registered user. 

18. Posted: 6 May 2004 10:11 - Master Class / Add-on condition: checking if user has logged in
    You need to include it... hmm, depends on script itself :) Actually, somewere in the middle of index.php, there is a definition of User ID ($user_id variable), so you need to catch this var and get on... 

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