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1. Posted: 23 Jul 2023 07:31 - News / "Strikethrough text" add-on released
    I still find it interesting how many people use strike through for posts and other things on forums. A client asked me to add this a few weeks ago but i had to turn them down not great with bb codes. I... 

2. Posted: 27 Jun 2023 15:27 - News / Review of updates of the 10 important add-ons for miniBB: Captcha, Mobile Layout, RSS, Signatures, First page news, File Bank, Forums Checker, Anti-Guest, Who's Online, New Configurable Topic Form
    ... /templates/addon_signatures_userform.html — self-closed tags removal and minor CSS updates. * /templates/addon_signatures_userform.js — miniBB v3.6 compliance (regform must be changed to postMsg). * bb_codes_sig.php — minor bugfixes and updates. * bb_plugins_user.code.txt — fixed bugfixes and improved code (Profile error-handling). * bb_plugins.code.txt — minor updates of how the... 

3. Posted: 8 Jun 2023 18:07 - News / "Strikethrough text" add-on released
    The first version of the Strikethrough text add-on was released in February 2022, being forced and with the help of Steve from LightIllusion Forums. Only these days, after long testing and finding it... 

4. Posted: 14 May 2021 20:19 - News / miniBB version 3.5 is released
    ... /templates/addon_signatures_userform.js; notes about an extended Configuration added to the README; * Smilies — only minor fixes in templates/addon_smilies_func.html; * YouTube — updates in Encode/Decode functions for bb_codes.php. ALSO among this release: * Eliminated the Favorites add-on — this add-on is replaced to the «Watching» section, unlike its predecessor providing some extra features on emailing... 

5. Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:41 - Bugs / Bug With Links (BB code is remembered in the message)
    I couldn't say it's a bug... the pop-up in its meaning doesn't remember anything, each time it's opened it brings up a default value (it's possible to change to another value)... 

6. Posted: 17 Jul 2020 16:29 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Switching your forum or domain properly to SSL / https
    ... "mixed content" page in the insecured mode, ignoring SSL. There's a work-around for eliminating this issue – disable embedding 3rd party images from insecured domains. For this, modify bb_codes.php, look up for [imgs] or [img] tag codes. In these codes, replace http[s]* to just https – it will force external images being embedded from secured URLs only. I have coded a little... 

7. Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:27 - Suggestions / No solution for videos ?
    In the File Attachments and/or Filebank add-ons there is possible to set up/allow any file type for uploading; this also includes video file types. But you must make sure your hosting plan/server allows... 

8. Posted: 12 Jul 2019 18:07 - Bugs / Polls Bug with Compiler?
    ... set of files as I was having an issue adding the Polls plugin manually. But, the Compiler failed to add {$pollsPopUp} to the main_topics.html file. And, it places the first /* polls */ code from bb_codes.encode.txt very strangely, between "$replacement[] = '<div class="hl">\\1</div>'.$GLOBALS['brtag'];" and "$pattern[]="/\[font(#[A-F0-9]{6})\](... 

9. Posted: 16 Mar 2019 17:43 - Bugs / Quote doesn't work in safari mobile (iPhone)
    I get this message even if I select the text: For quoting an excerpt, please highlight some text from the message first, then click the link. The text you have highlighted will be automatically inserted... 

10. Posted: 24 Nov 2018 22:02 - Русские / File Bank (Storage) ошибка
    Я попробовал у себя на локале и не могу повторить то же самое. Отослал вам на email наисвежайший файл с будущим апдейтом... 

11. Posted: 20 Oct 2018 19:43 - Русские / IMGS - bug or feature
    Все свои старые bb-коды вы можете сохранить. При апгрейде bb_codes.php необязательно было их удалять :) но в целом да, правки уж очень старых кодов могут приносить такие результаты... 

12. Posted: 19 Oct 2018 19:43 - Русские / IMGS - bug or feature
    .... Вроде бы с этим все было пофиксено... Но т.к. я ставил компилированный заново форум, то понимаю, что в его код в bb_codes.php также нужно внести ваш фикс заменить '+' на '*' Но в этот раз результат не получается. Сообщение... 

13. Posted: 19 Oct 2018 12:42 - Русские / Некорректно работает substr()
    ... строку уже bb_func_txt.php Пришлось тут путь скорректировать. if (!defined('INCLUDED776')) die ('Fatal error.'); /* include ($pathToFiles.'bb_codes.php'); */ include ("{$path}bb_codes.php");На первой странице все заработало как надо. Но я очень не... 

14. Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:12 - Русские / IMGS - bug or feature
    ... пользователи чрезвычайно ленивы и т.п. Я это исправлю в следующем релизе, а пока что решение для вашего удобства: в bb_codes.php нужно найти два кода, которые обозначены как /* fixed width and ALT */. В них нужно исправить это: ([^<>\n\r\[\]&=/"\']+?)на..

15. Posted: 2 Oct 2017 21:38 - Specific / Allow some urls for guest posting?
    Currently, we don't have such add-on or feature. If you have just a few of allowed domains/URLs, then there could be an easy way to program an addition to bb_codes.php which would allow to "hyperlink" such URLs disregarding the $userUrlsAllowed rule. Also, there is a way to add kind of special BB-code button(s) for such a few domains... 

16. Posted: 24 Sep 2017 12:13 - Specific / Post Editing Issue with Uploaded image
    I had to add a couple of spaces in the 'quote' and 'h1' components or they were seen as BB codes. (Oh! the 'b' (bold) item is still wrong...) Steve 

17. Posted: 12 Sep 2017 14:20 - Specific / Post Editing Issue with Uploaded image
    I'm somewhat sure the problem is in bb_codes.php. That's the file where those BBCode tags are defined. The code that handles BBCode to HTML and vise versa needs some fix... And at this point I leave the stage for Paul. :-) 

18. Posted: 29 May 2017 00:23 - Specific / Edit a particular post not working...
    I'd check the bb_codes.php file and the 'deCodeBB' function related to the images [IMGs] tag - the issue must be there. 

19. Posted: 24 May 2017 12:37 - Specific / Edit a particular post not working...
    Whatever would be the proper update, is that you need to update some BB code to make it working correctly. BTW you may check on another post with a few IMG BB codes in it. For example, 2 or 3 images.... 

20. Posted: 23 May 2017 16:01 - Specific / Edit a particular post not working...
    I suppose there is just something wrong in bb_codes.php. decode function stops at some bb code which is not predicted. Obviously, it considers the closing tag as the final and removes all content between the first and the last tag. Could... 

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