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Open Source Forum - what's it about?

An is a domain acquired for the next development of miniBB project, and is reserved for a sub-division of miniBB, which will include a complete Premium version of the software, coming at the regular one-time fee of lower than $100. Still, the package will be a complete Open Source with no editing limitations.

The concepts of OSF will differ from miniBB. We will avoid branding, and concentrate on coding things. The full package will include all add-ons created for miniBB, but in opposite to the miniBB Compiler, it will include everything-at-once, with the possibility to turn it off one-by-one using a visual interface.

Besides of the default miniBB add-ons, OSF is planned to include some exclusive stuff, never added to miniBB. Priorities are auto-upgrade and adding new add-ons via web, and visually configurable skins. OSF is planned to be newbies-friendly, with an option of having access to the straight code modifications and customizations for professionals.

While this domain comes up as a reserve for now, you can enjoy miniBB as it was and as it is, 'cause this project is not ended yet, and it always will be a base for the full package.

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Forum owners about miniBB:
I know NOTHING about programming, I just copied and pasted, doing some upgrades on forum! I worked all weekend on it! I was really scared that I would ruin it and crash the forum, which I did a few times. Thankfully I always made a copy of the file I was working on. I feel really good that I was able to get it to somewhat I wanted. Now it looks killer!
as written by...Kikker5150
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