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"$_POST" arrays are empty, Lighttpd v.1.4.28, PHP v.5.1.6, miniBB v.3.0

Author Dimedrol
#1 | Posted: 28 Dec 2012 21:02 
Hi All, and Happy New Year!

So, I've got strange problem with my fresh installation of miniBB v.3.0.
on mentioned software (Lighttpd v.1.4.28, PHP v.5.1.6 safe mode On, miniBB v.3.0)

Nothing works, etc. ;-)

After some investigation, I figured out (on bb_adminXXXX.php page ), that
all my "$_POST" arrays are empty!

However, a separate test page, taken from
shows, that everything is OK.
POSTs itself works well.

So... where I am doing wrong... ?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#2 | Posted: 28 Dec 2012 22:19 
After some investigation, I figured out (on bb_adminXXXX.php page ), that
all my "$_POST" arrays are empty!
What kind of "investigation" did you complete? What does it mean?

I'm just not sure how Lighttpd works. On Apache, you would certainly not experience this "problem" ever.
Receiving $_POST array in PHP is a must in nowadays any PHP script. It's not even about the server issue at all.

Actually, turning PHP's safe mode also means you are limiting yourself in something undetermined.

Author Dimedrol
#3 | Posted: 28 Dec 2012 22:33 
What kind of "investigation" did you complete? What does it mean?
It means, I tried to debug php code to find out - why, I'm being redirected to the home auth screen
each time I try to enter my Admin's login/pass at bb_admin page.
This investigation leads me to the following: $_POST array is empty.

I'm not sure, it's Lighttpd-related problem.
As I mentioned before - test script (for POSTs) works well,
just in the same directory (means - with the same Server/Php configuration)

What else could it be?

Toggling Safe Mode ON/OFF did not help.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 | Posted: 29 Dec 2012 11:12 
Could you make posts on forum as a Guest, or this problem only relates to the Admin panel?

You may check the Admin Login advices from FAQ section - may be one of them would help.

Specific miniBB Support Forums / Specific /
 "$_POST" arrays are empty, Lighttpd v.1.4.28, PHP v.5.1.6, miniBB v.3.0
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