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1. Posted: 7 Dec 2002 03:15 - FAQ / Installation problems, difficulties, hints; Database / configuration error via installation
    ... mergeing: I must be a moron, but So far I haven't been able to install minibb. here are the steps I performed what am I doing wrong? 1) Unzip pack into a folder on my HDD, edit the setup_options file and then upload the other files to a folder on my server. 2)After that I create the Sql database and try to run _install.php via Opera and IE, but I... 

2. Posted: 11 Jul 2005 17:31 - News / miniBB software: new search module
    ... thinner becomes search. Given parameters cover many tasks. Examples: Search by all messages user Team done in May 2004 Any news appearing in News forums on in May-July 2005 Anything about file upload in miniBB You are welcome to report any suggestions or bugs in this thread, regarding new search module. 

3. Posted: 23 Jun 2005 18:48 - News / miniBB 2.0 RC3a is released
    ... easily); optimizing email notifications on desired language for multilanguage forums; building dynamic pages' Description tag. Also, we have made some cosmetic changes on English language pack and CSS file, but they affect only English pack, in general. Download and/or update new release today! We really hope that there are not many things left in our tasks list... If there will be no... 

4. Posted: 10 Jun 2005 18:08 - How To / PHP to HTML, Search Engine Friendly mod_rewrite HELP!! .php -> .html
    I uploaded created a file called ".htaccess" and uploaded to the forum folder. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+)\.html$ ./index.php?action=vthread&forum=$1&topic=$2&page=$3... 

5. Posted: 23 May 2005 19:35 - The Other / Reducing images width, when they are inserted in the posts via URL
    ... set these values by hand, but by resizing linked images on the fly on the server side, you need a complicated and not really fast algorithm. It is not implemented in miniBB, but soon, there will be a files plugin available, which will make possibility to not just make image links, but also upload images themselves. It is in testing study now. 

6. Posted: 20 May 2005 10:56 - News / Avatars addon updated
    Ivan As I already mentioned many times, extension doesn't matter when displaying image in browser (instead of EXE files - you already now that simply renaming them to another format is enough to kick browser). Actual extension should not matter when operating with images. Patrick: I have discovered some... 

7. Posted: 17 May 2005 17:09 - News / Avatars addon updated
    It was discovered, that on some restricted hostings, it is not good to have file without any extension, and server could interprete it as directory, not file, with undesirable results (when uploaded avatar image can not be displayed)... 

8. Posted: 12 May 2005 02:49 - News / Avatars plug-in released!
    Not exactly. 1. The ready avatars HAS extension (type of file) and you see it in the table of the pictures for choosing. In the DB it exists with HIS NAME because you control this folder entirely. 2. The uploaded avatars by the... 

9. Posted: 11 May 2005 22:56 - News / Avatars plug-in released!
    I cannot understand well your question but the name of the file in the ready avatars folder can be whatever you like. I, for example, named them to ready_01, ready_02, etc. When you upload from your HDD - too. 1. Your avatar in the... 

10. Posted: 10 May 2005 17:40 - News / Avatars plug-in released!
    ... of universal miniBB algorithm which allows to display any info from user's table in his posts. Addon is NOT destructive and allows you to do further miniBB upgrades without additional editing of files. Addon allows to upload or to choose ready avatar from list, or both. Look at the images located in archive's /!how_it_looks/ - this is what you should have after... 

11. Posted: 10 May 2005 17:37 - News / miniBB 2 Release Candidate 3 is released
    ... supertitle (a.k.a. "forum group") * More native ordering of forums in admin panel * Adding/editing forums procedures rewritten * A big place for future plugins like Avatars (already written), file upload (in progress), user rankings by their amount of messages etc. (this all will be included only as addons/customizations) * Amount of user posts/topics is saved... 

12. Posted: 15 Apr 2005 17:22 - Custom Tutorials and Modifications / Banning users from posting only using Apache's .htaccess
    ... not for everyone. You have to be running Apache. .htaccess and mod_rewrite are very powerful and unforgiving. One typing mistake and you can ban everyone from your site. You have to ftp the .htaccess file to the server every time you change it. I'm only going to use this myself for forum visitors who are misbehaving but who I think I can persuade to behave properly. I made a custom... 

13. Posted: 11 Apr 2005 21:54 - How To / changing index.php file name, and customizing stuff
    You guys are legends. You'll go down in history along with the guy who had a decent PHP file upload tutorial who's name I forget. Only you guys name I will remember, because it says "Powered by mini BB" at the top of my forum with a nice link to... 

14. Posted: 2 Feb 2005 04:19 - How To / Setting up Email notification templates in the Language other than English
    WernerHofer wrote: I checked these 4 Files ( email_admin_userregister, email_reply_notify, email_user_password, email_user_register) on the Webserver itself and all are written in german, but the email notification is still in... 

15. Posted: 14 Jan 2005 17:49 - News / miniBB 2.0 RC1g released
    ... the sums of the forums, or?... It's my damned curiouosity only :) By the way, I'll need to correct the text for "Total number of posts" in "Statistics" in the Bulgarian file. I'll do it tomorrow and will let you know when I upload it. Be kind to tell me when it's put in your download section, to remove mine... Regards. 

16. Posted: 12 Nov 2004 11:30 - News / miniBB 2.0 BETA RELEASED!
    ... only for mySQL users. We plan to make a more stable version for another databases in the future, also as to re-make all existing plug-ins to be compatible, in the next steps. Please read !UPDATE.txt file located inside the package and follow instructions in it, if you are upgrading. In our new politics, this file will be kept in each new version or subversion, describing... 

17. Posted: 8 Oct 2004 17:29 - The Other / editing bb_specials.php file
    You have a copy of the miniBB files on your computer too, right? Edit the file on your computer and then just upload it :) 

18. Posted: 25 Feb 2004 00:32 - Master Class / Debugging templates
    ... make a backup copy of bb_functions.php and put it somewhere safe (so you can put it back when you're done playing with the templates). 2) open up bb_functions.php and replace: $tpl = fread ($fd, filesize ('./templates/'.$name.'.'.$ext)); with: #-- # $tpl = fread ($fd, filesize ('./templates/'.$name.'.'.$ext)); $tpl = '<!--... 

19. Posted: 19 Jun 2003 17:19 - The Other / bb_specials.php code appears at the top of all pages?
    Probably, you have uploaded this file in binary mode - you need to upload it in ASCII mode. Alternatively, you can try to replace <?php tag to simple <? tag 

20. Posted: 19 Jun 2003 15:10 - The Other / bb_specials.php code appears at the top of all pages?
    what happens if you delete it and upload it again? maybe the file just got fux0red while it was uploading. 

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