" Note: this file provides the full miniBB history of updates, starting from the version 1.7. It also provides the full list of files, and mentions changes, which were applied to these files for the certain version. You will find the most recent release notes AT THE END of this file. Pick up your version and keep your forums version up-to-date. It affects security and performance of your website! " Guides to update miniBB from 1.7 series to 2.0 (RC1). (c) miniBB.com ******************************************** NEW users should follow the installation process described in README and not read below. UPGRADING users should download convdb.php file, mentioned in upgrade process, separately: http://www.minibb.com/download.php?file=convdb Subject is no warranty we give with this update process. miniBB 2.0 first draft (RC1) is created ONLY for mySQL users. If you are using not mySQL, keep your old version of forums this time. You could follow alternative upgrade process described by our user Ivan here: http://www.minibb.com/forums/7_1965_0.html#msg11818 if you are not familiar with back-ups themselves and have no idea where to start from. Our update instruction is the following: *** Backup all your old files. *** Backup your old database. *** Open !UPDATE_DB.sql in some text editor and check, if your miniBB database table names are THE SAME as in this file (for example, 'minibb_forums' should correspond to actual forums information table, 'minibb_users' - to users table etc.) *** Run !UPDATE_DB.sql file in your mySQL-manager (phpMyAdmin, mysqlFront, mysql command line etc.) - this file contains changes in mysql database structure. *** Rewrite ALL *.php files, attached in installation archive, except for setup_options.php, bb_specials.php. Do not overwrite your templates and/or graphics. *** Edit setup_options.php and add the following new settings which are NECESSARY for running new version of miniBB: $enableNewRegistrations=TRUE; // if you want to enable new users register themselves; FALSE in another case $enableProfileUpdate=TRUE; // if you want user would able to update their profiles themselves; FALSE in another case /* With default miniBB database structure, keep the array below as it is given. Experienced users may find additional information in manual. */ $dbUserSheme=array( 'username'=>array(1,'username','login'), 'user_password'=>array(3,'user_password','passwd'), 'user_email'=>array(4,'user_email','email'), 'user_icq'=>array(5,'user_icq','icq'), 'user_website'=>array(6,'user_website','website'), 'user_occ'=>array(7,'user_occ','occupation'), 'user_from'=>array(8,'user_from','from'), 'user_interest'=>array(9,'user_interest','interest'), 'user_viewemail'=>array(10,'user_viewemail','user_viewemail'), 'user_sorttopics'=>array(11,'user_sorttopics','user_sorttopics'), 'language'=>array(14,'language','language'), 'num_topics'=>array(16,'num_topics',''), 'num_posts'=>array(17,'num_posts',''), 'user_custom1'=>array(18,'user_custom1','user_custom1'), 'user_custom2'=>array(19,'user_custom2','user_custom2'), 'user_custom3'=>array(20,'user_custom3','user_custom3') ); $dbUserId='user_id'; $dbUserDate='user_regdate'; $dbUserDateKey=2; $dbUserAct='activity'; $dbUserNp='user_newpasswd'; $dbUserNk='user_newpwdkey'; /* With default miniBB database structure, keep the array above as it is given. Experienced users may find additional information in manual. */ $indexphp='index.php?'; // for miniBB 2.0, the name of your index file is obligate. Don't forget to keep "?" after filename. $pathToFiles='./'; // general path to your miniBB files (RTFM for more) //$includeHeader='header.php'; //uncomment and set alternate header, if you don't want to use miniBB's default main_header.html (useful if you use some header.php from your own site, for better integration). //$includeFooter='footer.php'; // the same as above, for footer. //$emptySubscribe=TRUE; // uncomment and set to TRUE if you want your users may subscribe to the topic without posting some text $allForumsReg=TRUE; // if you want to make all forums for registered only users by one touch; else FALSE //$registerInactiveUsers=TRUE; //if you want all registered users become inactive until you accept them. RTFM for more. Edit the following OLD settings: $dateFormat='j F Y H:i:s'; // now, the same as default PHP. Months are kept from language file and replaced to English month titles defined by 'F'. $bb_admin='bb_admin.php?'; // add question sign at the end This setting is REMOVED: $cookielang_exp *** From a browser, run the file convdb.php - it will re-calculate all necessary new data, keeping your old data. *** Edit the following files: [x] templates/user_login_form.html - add new form field: [x] templates/main_last_discussions.html: {$l_posted} replaced to {$l_lastAuthor} in the cell. [x] templates/main_last_discuss_cell.html: add {$topic_reverse} for displaying reversed topic icon. {$lastPoster} became "{$topicAuthor}
{$whenPosted}", "{$whenPosted}" became "{$lastPoster}
{$lastPostDate}". Because now we display both topic author and last poster in these cells. [x] templates/main_topics.html: {$l_posted} becomes {$l_lastAuthor} (the same as above). [x] templates/main_topics_cell.html: Add {$topic_reverse}, eliminate {$numViews}, {$lastAuthor} becomes "{$topicAuthor}
{$whenPosted}", "{$whenPosted}" becomes "{$lastPoster}
{$lastPostDate}" (the same as above). [x] templates/admin_searchusers.html, added form name: , added new variable: {$delCheckBox} In a form tag, it becomes checkbox when searching for users who didn't make any post. It will be more easy to delete these users without additional prompt when cleaning your "dead users" table. Put it right after
  • , for example. In admin_searchusers.html, the following code: ID
    {$l_email} / {$l_sub_name}
    became simple dropdown: {$whatDropDown} [x] templates/admin_searchusersres.html - fix {$bb_admin} ONLY, so it looks like "{$bb_admin}action=..." not like "{$bb_admin}?action=". [x] templates/admin_login.html - fix {$bb_admin} ONLY [x] templates/admin_panel.html - fix {$bb_admin} ONLY [x] teplates/main_post_area.html - remove $anchor and put it as hidden field: [x] templates/main_posts.html: insert new JS function confirmDelete(id,what) (take from the the origin). Now, when deleting topic or post, instead of confirmation page, you'll get confirmation JavaScript message. If you click Ok, message will be deleted, and you'll be re-addressed to the place when you started this operation. If you want, you may also update language $l_areYouSureDeleteTopic variable (insert \n as newline), so confirmation message will not look so big. [x] templates/main_header.html: {$l_menu[8]} removed. [x] templates/tools_delete_msg_warning.html, templates/tools_del_topic_warning.html: you can delete these templates completely. [x] templates/email_user_register.txt - $userData[1] became $username, $userData[2] became $passwd [x] templates/email_admin_userregister.txt - became: $row->$insres; $userData[1]->$username; $userData[4]->$user_email, $userData[5]->$user_icq; $userData[6]=$user_website; $userData[7]->$user_occ; $userData[8]->$user_from; $userData[9]->$user_interest [x] templates/user_dataform.html: {$showemailDown} instead of showemail fields; {$sorttopicsDown} instead of sorttopics fields. New field {$languageDown} in user_dataform - correspondly to {$l_menu[8]} (language definition now is kept for each user individually). [x] lang/[Your language file(s)]: delete the variables: $l_deleteLang, $l_chooseLang, $l_incorrect_tpl, $l_tpl_not_found, because they are not used anymore. [x] img/topic_reverse.gif - NEW icon used for marking topics that are sorted in DESC order. New variable {$topic_reverse} appears in main_posts.html, main_last_discuss_cell.html, main_topics_cell.html (see original templates, where you can insert this variable). *** If you done everything correctly, you must have your NEW miniBB version up and working. If you have questions or problems, go to minibb.com/forums and report here. ******************************************** Changes comparision: 2.0 RC1 - 2.0 RC1a ******************************************** * bb_functions.php: load_header(): now, with more efficient code used for including user's site header. * _install.php: fixed table names replacement in SQL file. ******************************************** Changes comparision: 2.0 RC1a - 2.0 RC1b ******************************************** * index.php: minor changes regarding $action (done because of more efficient side-plugins include) * bb_func_login.php: fixed error when anonymous user posts nothing when making new topic or post * bb_functions.php: version change Changes comparision: 2.0 RC1b - 2.0 RC1c ******************************************** * bb_functions.php: convert_date() fix Changes comparision: 2.0 RC1c - 2.0 RC1d ******************************************** * Fixed templates: main_forums.html, main_last_discussions.html, main_topics.html, user_dataform.html ("images" directory was appearing incorrectly, the correct is "img"). * bb_functions.php: version change Changes comparision: 2.0 RC1d - 2.0 RC1e ******************************************** * bb_func_usernfo.php: fixes in displaying user last posts. Added "limbb" class to